Author - Expio

Take a Breath. Seriously.

  It all started on a stressful Tuesday morning for Expio team member Talley. Deadlines loomed, her inbox overflowed, and her patience was wearing thin. She felt herself teetering on the edge of a breakdown. That's when Expio Founder and CEO Andy Roller suggested meditation. Desperate for relief, she decided to give it a shot. That evening, she settled into a quiet spot in her living room. Unsure where to begin, she searched for a Youtube video on meditation. The instructor's soothing...


Speed vs ASAP

“No ASAP” is one of Expio’s Core Values. Here’s a breakdown on why ASAP can be a toxic word in the workplace. In today’s fast-paced world, the phrase “ASAP” has become a big part of our professional vocabulary. However, what seems like a harmless request for urgency can often lead to disruptions in workflow. ASAP can decrease productivity and create a culture of impatience for everyone. In fact, “No ASAP” is one of Expio’s three core values! Let’s talk about why choosing...


Ethical SEO vs Manipulative SEO

Building Genuine Authority and Long-Term Success: Expio's Ethical SEO Approach In the SEO world, we sometimes use the analogy of white hat versus black hat, which draws inspiration from old Western movies, where bad guys wore black hats, and good guys wore white hats. While the cinematic divide is clear, the SEO landscape is a little more difficult. Nowadays, hat color terms have faded a bit, and good SEO is all about being ethical, while bad SEO is being categorized as “spammy”...

How Agencies Prep For Monthly Meetings

How Agencies Prep For Monthly Meetings

By Caylee Hanna, Expio Intern Monthly meetings are a way for Expio Digital Marketing to show clients their successes, as well as analytics from clients’ social media profiles. We sat down with Digital Marketing Coordinator Grace Ensor to discuss how Expio prepares for monthly meetings with clients and how clients benefit from the information presented to them. What steps does Expio take to prepare for monthly meetings? Grace: First, we complete the reports to go over with the clients. Our reports are due...

Company Culture: Ensuring Time For Learning and Curiosity

Company Culture: Ensuring Time For Learning and Curiosity

Expio builds in time for employees to learn new skills and feed their professional passions. By Caylee Hanna, Expio Intern A key component of working at Expio is continued education. The digital marketing field is quickly evolving, and it’s an employee requirement at Expio to stay on top of our field, so we can serve our clients in the best ways possible.  We chatted with Expio Chief Relationship Officer Jody Reynolds to get her thoughts on continued professional learning as part of a...

Fostering A Low Stress Work Environment

Fostering A Low Stress Work Environment

How to build a work culture where teams thrive and succeed. We sat down with Expio Chief Relationship Officer Jody Reynolds to discuss ways companies can keep employees engaged, rewarded and fulfilled. How can businesses provide a low-stress work environment? Jody: One of the ways to foster a low-stress work environment is to have clear core values as a company. At Expio Digital Marketing, Founder and CEO Andy Roller established those for us years ago. Expio’s three core values are: “No ASAP, No...